Monday, 7 February 2011

Sooooo, I'm a Sumo wrestler!

Hi, Peg here!
Since my last post, I've been a bit poorly with tonsillitis. My appetite was non existent for a few days, and lying in my sick bed, for once I didn't think of how much weight I was losing. NO, I was thinking,"I'm not eating my wee calorie controlled snacks, I'm a Sumo wrestler!"
Apparently, the Sumo chappies want to be big and heavy so they hardly eat at all during the day, and consume vast quantities of food in the evenings. Why could some one not have told me this 25 years ago? Could shifting all this be that easy?
The articles I've been reading for you today are on the subject of 'natural' weight loss. Its a very broad term and I will probably be looking into this a bit more. One talks about thermodynamics, calories in/out and such like. I am an educated girl, but counting calories has always seemed like too much work. I read these and know they're not written by fatties, tho!

Effective Weight Loss Considerations
he biggest concept to understand for effective weight loss is the law of thermodynamics, or more simply, caloric intake vs. caloric expenditure. If you consume less energy than you use, you will lose weight. However, there are ways of making things much more efficient than that (an easier on ourselves.) The three things I'll discuss are the quantity, quality, and timing of calories.
First up is the quantity. Most people burn about their body weight times 10 in calories just by being alive, and awake, for about 16 hours per day.

Next comes quality. If I were to eat 2590 calories per day of fast food, first, I'd be hungry still because fast food is very calorie dense.

The last consideration is timing. About the worst thing you could do is have a large helping of sugar or processed carbs before bed.
By Brian Stramel
You can read the whole article by clicking above

Me again,
I find these articles a bit condesending. You and I know that a constant diet of lovely, delicious fatty, carb- ridden foods will make us fat, but I don't know any of us who actually eat like that!

Why You Are Fat – Natural Weight Loss Dieting Program
 by: Chris Chew
Have you ever wondered why you are fat and have considered going on a weight loss dieting program? If you did, then you must know why certain food makes you fat.
Most if not all of us are somewhat carbohydrate addicts. We have pastas, pizzas, white rice, spaghettis, bread, refined flour food and confectionaries in almost if not all our meals. Just look at the queues at the fast food joints on a regular day and you will know what I mean. Bread and sweet sugary drinks are the menu of the day, naturally.

To counter the effect of extreme glucose surge in your blood stream, your pancreas will pump more insulin than usual to bring your blood glucose level down. What happens then is that your blood glucose surges will then dip lower than your pre-meal level. When this happens, you start to get hungry and crave for more sweet stuff and more carbohydrate. This is why you reach for sweet snacks and drinks instinctively. Thus the vicious cycle continues again and again and you are eating more and more calories. So choosing the food in your meal is important so that you will not get hungry fast and then consume more calories to satisfy that hunger upsetting your natural weight loss dieting program.
Here's the link to read the rest-->

Sooo, apart from being a Sumo.......It's a new week, and I'm feeling much better, so I can resume the small regular feeds. I will avoid eating late, or rather, avoid eating once a day in the evening. If my lovely husband wants to take me out for Valentine's day, I will be able to pick at my main course, sip a small glass of wine and poopoo dessert, like a French woman.( oh that's a diet I'll have to tell you about!).  I usually empty a bottle of red by myself and trough a creme brulee, and wish I'd ordered some cheese!
Please let me know how your getting on!

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